
 during either the shortest day or longest night of the year

Worldwide, interpretation of the event has varied from culture to culture, but most cultures have held a recognition of rebirth, involving holidays, festivals, gatherings, rituals or other celebrations around that time.
Since the event is seen as the reversal of the Sun's ebbing presence in the sky, concepts of the birth or rebirth of sun gods have been common and, in cultures using winter solstitially based cyclic calendars, the year as reborn has been celebrated with regard to life-death-rebirth deities or new beginnings such as cleaning tradition. Even in modern cultures these gatherings are still valued for emotional comfort, having something to look forward to at the darkest time of the year. 
Midwinter festivals and celebrations occurring on the longest night of the year, often calling for evergreens, bright illumination, large ongoing fires, feasting, communion with close ones, and evening physical exertion by dancing and singing are examples of cultural winter therapies that have evolved as traditions since the beginnings of civilization. Such traditions can stir the wit, stave off malaise, reset the internal clock and rekindle the human.

 u oči dočeka nove godine




doček rađanja novog sunca

sezonska malaksalost

mala snaga

piše tu

elementarna mudrost, deluje samo uz vatru
i gavran zna znanje

uspešno preživeli najdužu noć u istoriji planete(ih!),  30 sekundi extra!


Популарни постови са овог блога

Smoking seriously harms

pošto se spremam za Albaniju...